
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cut a long story short?

Happened to be at a friend’s place yesterday. Dude’s a nice chap. He’s a guitarist and he’s best when he’s at it. And he can belt out as many words in a staccato as he can the notes from his guitar. Give him a chance to speak and I’ll be damned if you can even manage a “uh-huh” in between. I’ve heard Ash tell him on numerous counts that he suffers from verbal diarrhoea. What makes it interesting listening is the witty ones he dishes out from time to time. He can narrate the script of a slow art movie and make it sound like a thriller. Yesterday evening, he invited us over to his place to watch an inspirational movie about a musician chasing her dream. Our drinks were out on the table and so were the ham and salami (Dude’s a good host as well). Before we begin the movie we raise our glasses and Dude launches on a prelude to the movie and I begin to wonder if I am really gonna get a chance to see it. Fifteen minutes of blabbering and fortunately the remote comes out and we are on a roll. However, we are not even five minutes into the movie and our Dude pauses the movie and begins a lecture on the sequence about to follow. I realize this was the first of the many intermittent ‘pauses’ to follow and I wonder if I’ll have to come back the next day to watch the other half. If I thought my granma was the only one I knew who would divulge the ‘end of a movie’ before we watched it, I now stand corrected. Today, I see my granma in a different light; she only disclosed the climax of a movie. Our Dude outdid my granma. It took us four and a half hours to watch the movie and I don’t know why I get the feeling that I’ve seen the movie twice.
Phew, that was one helluva long movie.


krashwin said...

yea, true, our man can go on and on and on. u thought the movie was good? i thought the salami was a little under-fried :D

Richie said...

Hey, i didn't realize it was fried in the first place...
Guess my brain was focusing more on my ears ;D

Chrisann said...

what was the movie boys?

Richie said...

jus so u know, chrisann, it was 'Raise your voice'. good movie***